1.8 conditional statements#


This lesson is still under development.

The basic syntax of if statement in python is:

if (condition):
    do something
name = "zardari"

if name == 'zardari':
name = 'Zardari'
if name == 'zardari' or name == 'Zardari':
name = 'nawaz'
if name == 'zardari' or name == 'Zardari':
if name == 'nawaz' or name == 'Nawaz':

Similarly the syntax for if and elif statement is

if (condition):
  do something
elif (condition):
  do something
  do something
name = 'edhi'
if name == 'zardari' or name == 'Zardari':
    print(name, ' is chor')
elif name == 'nawaz' or name == 'Nawaz':
    print(name, ' is chor')
    print(name, ' is not chor')
edhi  is not chor

elif vs multiple if#

Multiple ifs means, the all the ifs will be checked, while with elif, the code will stop if one of the if is True.

age = 14

if age < 16:
    print("You are a child")
if age >= 16: #Greater than or equal to
    print("You are an adult")
else:   #Handle all cases where 'age' is negative
    print("The age must be a positive integer!")
You are a child
The age must be a positive integer!
age = 14

if age < 16:
       print("You are a child")
elif age > 16:
       print("You are an adult")
else:   #Handle all cases where 'age' is negative
       print("The age must be a positive integer!")
You are a child


We can use in statement to compare a variable against multiple variables.

name = 'zardari'
if name in ['zardari', 'nawaz', 'chaudhrys', 'mqm']:
    print(name, ' was democratic thug')
elif name in ['zia', 'yahya', 'musharaf', 'ayub']:
    print(name, ' was non-democratic thug')
    print(name, ' is not chor')
zardari  was democratic thug
name = 'Zia'
if name.upper() in ['ZARDARI', 'NAWAZ', 'CHAUDHRYS', 'MQM']:
    print(name, ' was a democratic chor')
elif name.upper() in ['ZIA', 'YAHYA', 'MUSHARAF', 'AYUB']:
    print(name, ' was a non-democratic is chor')
    print(name, ' is not chor')
Zia  was a non-democratic is chor

comparing numbers#

year = 2009

if 2007>year>2000:
    print('Non-democratic thug ruled Pakistan')
elif 2020>year>=2007:
    print('democratic thug ruled Pakistan')
    print('not considering')
democratic thug ruled Pakistan
year = 2012

if 2007>year>2000:
    print('Non-democratic thug ruled Pakistan')
elif 2020>year>=2007:

    if 2013>year>=2007:
        print('democratic thug zardari ruled Pakistan')
    elif 2018>year>=2013:
        print('democratic thug Nawaz ruled Pakistan')
        print('It seems the ruler is incapable')
    print('not considering')
democratic thug zardari ruled Pakistan

One liner

day = "14 aug"

if day == '14 aug':  print('This is independence day not partition day.')
This is independence day not partition day.
oil = True
us_presence = 1 if oil else 0


We can use such one liners to set default values to a variable.

human = {"arms": 2,
         "legs": 2,
         "head": 1}

default_age = 14

age = human["age"] if "age" in human else default_age
provinces = 4
capital = "Kathmandu"
pm = "unknown"

if provinces == 4 and capital == "Islamabad" or pm == "Imran Khan":
    print("This is Pakistan")
provinces = 4
capital = "unknown"
pm = "Imran Khan"

if provinces == 4 and capital == "Islamabad" or pm == "Imran Khan":
    print("This is Pakistan")
This is Pakistan

if not vs !=#

Inner working is different but the output is same however not is preferred.

day = "Thursday"
if day != 'Friday':
    print('no jumma prayer')
no jumma prayer
day = "Thursday"
if not day == 'Friday':
    print('no jumma prayer')
no jumma prayer
if day == 'Friday':
    print("no jumma prayer")
no jumma prayer

any vs all#

a = [False, 2>4, 2!=1]
if any(a):
    print('go ahead')
go ahead
a = [False, 2>4, 2!=1]
if all(a):
    print('go ahead')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.007 seconds)

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