3. oop#

Tutorials concerning object oriented programming

3.1 introduction

3.1 introduction

3.1 introduction
3.2 creating class

3.2 creating class

3.2 creating class
3.3 Attributes

3.3 Attributes

3.3 Attributes
3.4 methods

3.4 methods

3.4 methods
3.5 init method

3.5 init method

3.5 init method
3.6 str and repr methods

3.6 str and repr methods

3.6 str and repr methods
3.7 public vs private attributes

3.7 public vs private attributes

3.7 public vs private attributes
3.8 class vs  instance attributes

3.8 class vs instance attributes

3.8 class vs instance attributes
3.9 static methods

3.9 static methods

3.9 static methods
3.10 class methods

3.10 class methods

3.10 class methods
3.11 property

3.11 property

3.11 property
3.12 Descriptors

3.12 Descriptors

3.12 Descriptors
3.13 inheritance

3.13 inheritance

3.13 inheritance
3.14 __call__

3.14 __call__

3.14 __call__
3.15 __getattr__

3.15 __getattr__

3.15 __getattr__
3.16 magic methods

3.16 magic methods

3.16 magic methods
3.17 getattr vs setattr

3.17 getattr vs setattr

3.17 getattr vs setattr