1.12 functions#


This lesson is still under development.

A function is a box which takes something as input and it gives you output after performing some operations on that input. In python, the input and output arguments for a function are optional. The basic syntax of a minimal function in is as below

def FunctionName(InputArguments):
    commands to find output
    return output

As said earlier, InputArguments and return are optional. This means we can write a valid function in python without input arguments or a function which does not return something.

def add_nums():

<function add_nums at 0x7ffad3f37940>

If we want to use/run a function, this means we want to call it. Following syntax can be used to call a function

Output = FunctionName(InputArguments)

Output is optional and so does InputArguments


The following function takes two input arguments and adds them

def add_nums(a, b):  # for brevity, we can not write add_nums(a+b):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    a + b

add_nums(1, 5)
a:  1  b: 5

Inside the function, we name the two input arguments as a and b.

def add_nums(a, b):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    a + b

x = 12
y = 14
add_nums(x, y)
a:  12  b: 14

Outside function 12 is x but inside function, 12 is a. The variable a is not available outside the function.

def add_nums(a, b):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    c = a + b
    return c

x = 12
y = 14
add_nums(x, y)
a:  12  b: 14


Above we we created c inside the function and returned it. Outside the function when we called the function, this value of c is printed. The variable named c is not available itself. We can assign this value to a new variable whose name is z as shown below below. It can be any legal variable name. The variables which can be seen inside the function and which can be seen outside the function will be covered under the topic 1.14 global vs local.

def add_nums(a, b):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    c = a + b
    return c

x = 12
y = 14
z = add_nums(x, y)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  12  b: 14
The function returns z:  26

The variables c and z have same values with the difference that c exists only inside the function. Moreover, the creation of c is not necessary, we can just return the result as it is.

def add_nums(a, b):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    return a + b

x = 12
y = 14
z = add_nums(x, y)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  12  b: 14
The function returns z:  26

We can provide default values to input arguments. The default values of input arguments are only used if we don’t provide their values when calling them, otherwise their values are overwritten.

def add_nums(a=12, b=14):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    return a + b

x = 114
y = 313
z = add_nums(x, y)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  114  b: 313
The function returns z:  427

Above: The value from variable x is going to a and will replace its default value. The value from variable y will go to b and will overwrite its default value i.e. 14.

When we have defined the default values of input arguments in function definition, we can skip one or more input arguments when calling the function as shown below.

def add_nums(a=12, b=14):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    return a + b

y = 313
z = add_nums(y)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  313  b: 14
The function returns z:  327

Above, the value from y will be assigned to a while b will use its default value.

def add_nums(a=12, b=14):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    return a + b

y = 313
z = add_nums(b=y)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  12  b: 313
The function returns z:  325

Above, a will use its default value while b will get value of y.

def add_nums(a=12, b=14):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    return a + b

x = 114
z = add_nums(a=x)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  114  b: 14
The function returns z:  128

Above: a will use the value of x i.e. 114 while b will use its default value i.e. 14.

def add_nums(a=12, b=14):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    return a + b

z = add_nums(1)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  1  b: 14
The function returns z:  15

Above, 1 will go to a while b will use its default value. The function can also be called without providing any input argument because both input arguments are optional. In this case the default values will be used.

def add_nums(a=12, b=14):
    print('a: ', a, ' b:', b)
    return a + b

z = add_nums()
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a:  12  b: 14
The function returns z:  26

We can define the optional arguments with obligatory arguments. In function below, c is optional, while a and b are obligatory.

def add_nums(a, b, c=14):
    print('a:', a, '  b:', b, '  c:', c)
    return a + b

z = add_nums(1, 2)
print('The function returns z: ', z)
a: 1   b: 2   c: 14
The function returns z:  3

Above, we have not provided the value for _c. As it was optional argument, its default value was used.

Question: What will be the output of following function?

# z = add_nums()
# print('The function returns z: ', z)

Question: Guess the output from following cell.

# z = add_nums(a=1, c=313)
# print('The function returns z: ', z)


A function returns None by default.

import random
qatleen = ['winsten churchil', 'rana sanaullah', 'obama', 'musharaf']

def print_qatal():
    return None

x = print_qatal()
winsten churchil

Even if a function does not return anything explicitly, it still returns None.

def print_qatal():

x = print_qatal()
rana sanaullah

Ff a function does not have return statement, it still returns None.

def print_qatal():

x = print_qatal()

So it is impossible in python to write a function which returns absolutely nothing.

If a function returns more than one object/variables, and we assign it to a single variable, then this new variable will be tuple.

def func(a, b):
    u = a
    v = b
    return u, v

xx = func(5, 12)
print(xx, type(xx))
(5, 12) <class 'tuple'>

Above: The function returns 2 arguments but we assigned it to 1 variable named xx. Thus, xx will be a tuple consisting of two values

We can however, assign both returned values from a function to two new variables as shown below. %%

xx, yy = func(5, 12)
print(xx, type(xx))
print(yy, type(yy))
5 <class 'int'>
12 <class 'int'>

If the function returns fewer or more arguments than the variables assigned, then it will give error.

# uncomment the following line
# xx, yy, zz = func(5, 12)  # Error

If the function returns multiple values but we want to get only first value, we can do it as below

xx = func(15, 12)[1]

return a tuple from function

def retun_list(a):
    return [a]

out = retun_list(10)
<class 'list'>
def return_tuple(variable):
    return variable, variable

out = return_tuple(10)
<class 'tuple'>
def return_tuple(variable):
    return variable,

out = return_tuple(10)
<class 'tuple'>
def return_tuple(variable):
    return (variable)

out = return_tuple(10)
<class 'int'>

The reason is that it is comma , which makes something a tuple not the brackets. So in order to get a tuple from function, we must put comma even if there is only one object in the tuple as shown below.

def return_tuple(variable):
    return (variable, )

out = return_tuple(10)
def return_tuple(variable):
    return variable, variable+2, variable+4

var, *junk = return_tuple(2)

[4, 6]

A common way to ignore the unncessary output from a function is to use underscore

var, *_ = return_tuple(2)

Above we were interested in only var and wanted to ignore everything else returned by return_tuple function.

function as input argument#

We can assign a function to a variable and use that variable to call the function.

def print_me(to_print):

x = print_me

x('This goes into print_me')
This goes into print_me

Thus we can use functions as input arguments to other functions as well.

def magic(left, op, right):
    return op(left, right)

def my_op(var_a, var_b):
    return var_a == var_b

magic(2, my_op, 2)

break vs return#

def add_nums(a_list, break_point=5):
    _sum = 0.0
    for val in a_list:
        _sum += val
        if _sum > break_point:
    return _sum

x = add_nums([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

As soon as the value of _sum became greater than break_point, the function exited and we got the value of _sum at that point.

x = add_nums([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 50)

Was the break statement executed above?


The first string inside the functions is usually put for help. This is called docstring. It can be called by __doc__ method

def fahrenheit(T_in_celsius):
    """This function converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. """
    return (T_in_celsius * 9 / 5) + 32

'This function converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. '
Help on function fahrenheit in module __main__:

    This function converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

If we want to know the name of a function as string we can do it as following.

converter = fahrenheit


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